February 2023

Daniel Hurley, Risk Manager, Retired

Years as an ASSP member: 35
Years in the safety industry: 36

Key responsibilities of your job

As a Risk Manager, I was in charge of insurance programs, workers’ compensation, liability claims handled in house and Occupational Safety & Health with great staff and with the City Attorney and Third-Party Administrator (TPA) for workers compensation. I did the same for both City of Chesapeake and Norfolk Public Schools.

With the City of Norfolk, I directly implemented the Occupational Safety & Health programs, workers’ compensation self-insured with a TPA, disability management program for non-occupational, asbestos O&M, and environmental issues such as indoor air issues.

Most significant accomplishment in your career

Becoming President of the Public Risk Management Association (PRIMA).

What do you/did you love the most about your job

I enjoyed working with all departments and employees at all levels and trying to assist with issues as opposed to just calling attention to them.

What advice would you give someone just starting out in the safety industry

Take as many education courses as possible, attend conferences and even if you can volunteer in exchange for tuition and especially network with peers – volunteer to work on committees.

List your some of your hobbies

Was running for a lifetime until a recent knee replacement, now biking and hiking,
Lover of history and taking on site tours of historical sites and travel in general.

What is something people don’t know about you

Recently remarried after the passing of my late wife Janice after 42 years to high school classmate Penny Beard Jones. Married on October 21, 2022. Life is good again.

What hashtags describe your personality best


What is the #1 TV show that you recommend for everyone to watch


Biggest Pet Peeve

Over reacting people – chill and we can work things out.

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be

Anything Italian

What is the first concert you ever attended

Linda Ronstadt