Cheryl Riordan, Senior Safety and Health Manager, USA Environmental, Inc.
Years as an ASSP member: 30 years
Years in the safety industry: 42 years
Key responsibilities of your job
Managing the Safety and Health Program for a company that cleans up unexploded ordnance sites throughout the world. Developing Accident Prevention Plans/Site Specific Safety and Health Plans, Activity Hazard Analyses, performing Safety and Health Program Audits, coordinating with Site Safety personnel and Site Managers frequently, managing the Safety Management System that I developed, coordinating, and sometimes performing accident investigations, Radiation Safety Officer for the company, and anything
else that comes up.
Most significant accomplishment in your career
I spent a year on a special assignment working in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Safety and Health Policy Office in 1988. I was assigned to re-write the explosives safety manual for the Department of Defense. They were short-staffed that year, so I got all types of other safety policy assignments as well (Industrial Hygiene, Military Child Care Standards, Airfield Safety Policy, etc. and I was the National Safe Kids Campaign Pentagon representative). I even got to meet the President (it was Ronald Reagan then). I was like a kid in a candy store. I loved it.
What do you/did you love the most about your job
I love the interactions with people at all levels. I especially enjoy it when I speak to people out on the front lines of our project work, and they offer me ideas to improve the safety program. That totally makes my day! They are participating!
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the safety industry
Go after the truly difficult assignments that nobody wants. The expectations are not very high for success, but when you do succeed, you totally knock it out of the park. That was how I landed the Pentagon assignment.
List your some of your hobbies
Travelling, Genealogy, Music (I sing in church choirs and play several instruments.)
What is something people do not know about you
I had a stroke in 2021 and was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes at that time and given a bunch of pills to take for the rest of my life. As a result, I changed my diet to almost entirely plant-based and got off all medications within 3 months and reversed the Diabetes in about 6 months.
What hashtags describe your personality best
What is the #1 TV show that you recommend for everyone to watch
The Big Bang Theory
Biggest Pet Peeve
If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be
Eggplant parmesan
What is the first concert you ever attended
The first concert I tried to see was the Beatles in Philadelphia when I was six. When I asked my Mom for the $5.00 for the ticket, she obviously said no. My first actual concert was about 10 years later when my family went to see Johnny Cash.