May 2023

Meghan McCall, EHS Coordinator, Sumitomo Drive Technologies

Years as an ASSP member: Coming up on 1!!
Years in the safety industry: 1

Key responsibilities of your job

Ensuring our employees are properly trained, conducting PPE and safety audits. Helping with rewriting of our JHAs and current SSPs and SOPs, meeting DEQ standards for emissions and most importantly sending our employees home the way they came to work.

Most significant accomplishment in your career

Winning third place at Region VI Professional Development Conference in September and graduating from ODU! Next on the list will be taking on the ASP and REHS exams!

What do you/did you love the most about your job

I love interacting with our employees and building a relationship with them, so they know I want to help them and not actually want to make their lives harder. Coming up with ideas, implementing the changes and watching the results come to life!

What advice would you give someone just starting out in the safety industry

Network and find a group of like-minded people. I never thought I would end up being a safety professional, but I have fallen in love with the job and mostly the people that I get to interact with that do the same thing! It is great to have resources and not be alone when you are starting out because there is so much to learn and there are people that may have experience with what you encounter, and it helps you grow as a professional as well! Don’t be scared to rustle some feathers along the way. The guys who have been doing it for “20 some odd years” usually don’t like change and will find every excuse to make you want to back off, don’t.

List your some of your hobbies

I enjoy working out, baking (but not the cleaning part), finding new breweries and finding things to do outdoors.

What is something people don’t know about you

I grew up in South Bend, Indiana and used to go tobogganing every Christmas in Michigan at a really cool toboggan resort!

What hashtags describe your personality best

topshelfbourbon and #bestmomever (according to my 4-year-old!)

What is the #1 TV show that you recommend for everyone to watch

Jury Duty and Working Moms

Biggest Pet Peeve

The way the dishwasher gets loaded.

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be

French Toast with candied bacon!

What is the first concert you ever attended

Story of the Year (2005), although my mom did take me to see the Elephant Show when I was growing up in the 90s!