Alexandria (Ali) LePock, Senior Sustainability, Safety, Health & Environmental (SSHE) Specialist, Bayer CropScience
Years as an ASSP member: 9
Years in the safety industry: 14
Key responsibilities of your job
I lead and design strategies to optimize high impact safety and health system processes and enterprise level implementation of those processes for our sites across North America. These include life safety programs, EPA’s Worker Protection Standard for pesticide use and disposal, lone worker and more. I champion an agile approach to improve operational efficiency while enabling risk management.
Most significant accomplishment in your career
Creating and implementing a target operating model for safety support across 31 locations and 30 remote field-testing workers in the United States and Canada. AND… having the honor of supporting our incredible community as the ASSP Greater Tidewater Chapter President 2022-present!
What do you/did you love the most about your job
The PEOPLE! I love the connections I have the opportunity to make and the chance to bring material forward in a light and with an engaging energy that brings safety to life.
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the safety industry
Don’t let others ‘experiences bring you down. Wear your rose colored glasses, but keep an open mind and learn from your experiences. Wisdom doesn’t mean those glasses have to fade. Remember that it is ALL about perspective.
Find multiple mentors and touch base with them regularly.
They will be one of the keys to your development!
List your some of your hobbies
Exercise #tracyandersonmethod
Traveling with my favorite person in the world (Steve LePock)
Walking and talking with my German Shepherd Jack and giving him lots of love
Trying new foods in every city
What is something people don’t know about you
I’ve never had a candy bar
What hashtags describe your personality best
What is the #1 TV show that you recommend for everyone to watch
Gilmore Girls
Biggest Pet Peeve
Know it alls
If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be
Breakfast- eggs, fruit and mixed greens!
What is the first concert you ever attended