Austin Temple, Safety Manager, Hampton Roads Mechanical of Virginia
Years as an ASSP member: Less than one year
Years in the safety industry: 8
Key responsibilities of your job
Managing all safety programs and processes within the companies that I am assigned to. I ensure that training and the work specific programs are up to date to make sure that our employees have the most current resources they need to perform their work safely and in accordance with the governing regulations. I conduct jobsite visits with the general contractors along with my employees and take notes of the positive or negative issues found on the site and work to make sure that our employees do not repeat those negative issues through on-site training and debriefs. Conduct and prepare a bi-annual safety conference for all company foreman/office staff to remain up to date on all competent person certifications. Safety is a choice and I try to make every one of our employees choose the right thing. We all want to live long and healthy lives, so make that choice to do the right thing.
Most significant accomplishment in your career
Obtaining my CHST along with leading our company to hitting another milestone of 11 years / 1.8-million man hours no lost time injury and over 2 years without a single injury.
What do you/did you love the most about your job
I enjoy being able to engage with the deck plate personnel and teaching them ways to stay in compliance along with ensuring they find ways to do the job safely. A job without injury allows me to sleep well at night.
What advice would you give someone just starting out in the safety industry
Look for a great safety organization in your area to get connected with people in the industry and to look at the board certification opportunities within their realm of work. Try to get experience through certifications and on the job training. NEVER be afraid to ask questions. This line of work can be overwhelming at times especially when it comes to regulations. Read them carefully and ensure you are leading your teams in the right direction.
List your some of your hobbies
Cycling, Golf, Rock Climbing, Skiing, Scuba, just to name a few. You can never have too many hobbies to keep yourself busy.
What is something people don’t know about you
Most people do not know that I am a reserve Deputy with the City of Chesapeake. Who knows, you may see me out at your favorite local event in Chesapeake ensuring everyone’s safety and well-being. Apart from that I am pretty much an open book.
What hashtags describe your personality best
I am not into the hashtag realm, but I will say…… #YOLO, as a safety professional, I do not mean this to make risky decisions. I mean this solely that we are only given one life to live. Experience and try things each day and live your life like it is you last day. Be kind to others and to yourself.
What is the #1 TV show that you recommend for everyone to watch
Suits. I wanted to go to law school to eventually get into corporate law after I finished my BSBA. Instead, I chose to work in a different industry and to hit the ground instead of going back to school. Now I live vicariously through a scripted show that follows the realm of work that I wanted to pursue.
Biggest Pet Peeve
People who are not always honest. Honesty is key to life.
If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be
Lasagna. Call me Garfield.
What is the first concert you ever attended
Dave Matthews Band