Joe Henricks, Safety Director, Sussex Development Corporation
Years as an ASSP member: 1 Years
Years in the safety industry: 15 Years
Key responsibilities of your job
Manage safety and loss control programs by mitigating and minimizing risk. Instituting a workplace safety loss control program is the first step to reducing injuries while improving productivity and reducing insurance and claims costs.
Development of a safety and risk management culture,
Assure the safety program complies with or exceeds OSHA construction industry standards.
Dedicated to being at “Virginia Best Standards” in class,
Job Functions
Development and articulation of Sussex’s safety vision, objectives, strategies, policies, and procedures to build a safety culture dedicated to behaviors that lead to Virginia Best Standards.
Provide proactive leadership and assume ownership of Sussex Safety Standards and safety culture by;
Anticipating problems and providing solutions,
Share knowledge with and provide training to all levels of management, field staff, preconstruction, project management teams, and key subcontractors.
Professional interaction with clients, subcontractors, governing officials, and inspectors,
Create an environment of learning, mentoring, and empowerment to promote employee engagement and inclusion.
Use critical thinking to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions and conclusions. Monitor results to make improvements or take corrective action.
Oversee safety and health training to meet the needs of internal and external (client and regulating entities) requirements. Provide training to strengthen the team’s knowledge to perform tasks and jobs safely.
Lead incident and accident investigations.
Manage high-hazard assessment activities by
Assess worksite analysis at preconstruction, turnover, and mobilization.
Conduct onsite safety inspections and communicate results with the team. Use a teachable moment managing approach.
Analyze inspections and incident data to identify opportunities to develop preventive and corrective practices. Use data to develop the safety training program. Develop annual plans & budgets for safety & health initiatives, including training.
What do you like most about being a member of the ASSP Greater Tidewater Chapter
The members of the ASSP GTC bring knowledge and a safety perspective from a multitude of perspectives. The Safety Culture in the Tidewater area is growing in momentum, and the ASSP GTC members will undoubtedly be a spearhead in building a solid foundation on which our community can rely.
What or Who inspires you
I am inspired by those who will follow in our safety endeavors. Those to whom we will leave a safety culture and perspective of excellent productivity paralleled with excellent safety is very exciting.
What tips or advice would you give someone just starting out in the safety field
Safety cannot be conquered. Communicating the best actions to achieve the best results is a commitment. Although not everyone can see the value in safety, it has infinite benefits.
Tell us about a professional success story that you are proud of
I was giving a toolbox talk to about 100 workers on the importance of using the pulley system to get tools from the ground to the elevated work area. My interpreter read the same talk in Spanish. Fifteen minutes later, a 19-year-old worker was hauling a 40-pound compressor up a 40-foot ladder. He didn’t get the message. I didn’t get angry; I took the time to communicate (with the help of my interpreter) to this very hard-working young man the importance of using the pulley system and even more important his value. Two weeks later, he gave me a whistle as he was retrieving his tools from the ground and pointed across the way as his coworker was doing the same.
What a great day!!
What is something surprising that not many people know about you
I sang in an opera as Figaro in the marriage of Figaro. I was inducted into my hometown’s wrestling Hall of Fame. Not two worlds that are likely to collide.
How would your best friend describe you in three words
A Hand-ful!!
What do you enjoy doing outside of work
I am dedicated to coaching and educating my grandchildren.
What is your most embarrassing moment of your life (so far)
This is hard. I don’t get embarrassed easily. The first thing that comes to mind is failing my driver’s test as a young man.
List a favorite line from one of your favorite movies:
“Makers of men; creators of leaders; be careful what kind of leaders you’re producin’ here.”
-Scent of a Woman
If you could pick a superpower, what would it be and why
The ability to read minds!!
What did you want to be growing up
Linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys!!