March 2024

Tony Palacioz, Safety Manager, RQ Construction

Years as an ASSP member: 20+ Years
Years in the safety industry: 30+ Years

Key responsibilities of your job

Working heavy construction, key responsibilities were straying in the field as much as possible and watching activities. Talking and getting to know key workers and explaining why thing have to be done a certain (SAFE) way. Getting people to buy in via safety talks and one on ones.

What do you like most about being a member of the ASSP Greater Tidewater Chapter

Meeting and networking with safety professionals from different industries. It’s always good to get out of your box and hear different perspectives/ideas from other pros.

What or Who inspires you

Professionals who are comfortably retired after successful careers. Their hard work and dedication allow them to relax and share with others.

What tips or advice would you give someone just starting out in the safety field

Know what you’re talking about when challenged by others when trying to correct situations. Don’t Bull$#@&. If you’re not sure, tell them you’ll get back with them (AND DO IT). Stand your ground! (This comes from within, you have to learn this on your own).

Tell us about a professional success story that you are proud of

Seeing the light bulb go off in a guy’s head after showing/explaining to them why things need to be done in a proper safe manner.

What is something surprising that not many people know about you

Watching the sun rise every Easter on a beach somewhere.

How would your best friend describe you in three words

Laid back dude.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work

Going to weekday Tides games. Or sitting on my deck with a cold beer and a good book on a beautiful day. (Golf ain’t bad either).

What is your most embarrassing moment of your life (so far)

Wow, too many to mention. However, I do have a story that still makes me cringe. Too long to mention here, but if you catch me at a meeting or function, I will share. (I can laugh about it now)

List a favorite line from one of your favorite movies:

“It’s not my dog.” A guy replying to Peter Sellers in the Pink Panther (still cracks me up!)

If you could pick a superpower, what would it be and why

I would be able to make stop lights turn green whenever I approached them and make slow drivers move to the right lanes. (I hate traffic!)

What did you want to be growing up

Become a professional athlete. How great is that, getting paid to play kids games.