Thomas “Randy” Hird, Project Safety Manager, Alberici Constructors, Inc.
Years as an ASSP member: 26 Years
Years in the safety industry: 30 Years
Key responsibilities of your job
I manage the safety program on moderate to complex construction projects. I have been in the water/wastewater market for 7+ years, traveling for our company. I am currently on a $500+ Million project in Newport News. I think one of the most important parts of my responsibilities is to establish relationships with the client, our workers and our staff. I train, coach, discipline, and develop employees to arm them with as many safety tools as possible. I also conduct random and scheduled safety audits. I lead investigations and finalize safety-related reports. I lead and manage OSHA visits and assist in defense if citations are issued. I monitor injury treatment progress and RTW criteria. I maintain records on project that reflect training, regulatory compliance and safety meeting documentation.
What do you like most about being a member of the ASSP Greater Tidewater Chapter
I have only been in the area for two years, but I appreciate ASSP as a resource for current events in the safety industry. I also know it is a good networking resource.
What or Who inspires you
My brother and sister have been very successful in their lives and careers and they inspire me to stay driven. I can also say Gordon Ramsay inspires my cooking interests.
What tips or advice would you give someone just starting out in the safety field
My advice is to obtain accredited training to develop your resume and widen your scope of understanding. I also suggest working in as many different industries as possible in the beginning years so you can figure out where your interests lie, and where you fit best.
Tell us about a professional success story that you are proud of
I am proud of having been the owner’s safety representative on a $5 Billion green field power plant and coal mine project. I am also proud that I transitioned from the Construction part of the project and moved to the Operations side once the project was turned over to the owner.
What is something surprising that not many people know about you
My first career was in the Hospitality Industry as an Executive Chef. I am also a Chocolatier.
How would your best friend describe you in three words
Driven, humorous, fun-loving.
What do you enjoy doing outside of work
I still enjoy cooking and making chocolate confections.
What is your most embarrassing moment of your life (so far)
At my first job in safety, I visited a jobsite and climbed an extension ladder. I didn’t check the stability of the ladder and it was not secured. The ladder shifted and collapsed. In front of all the workers as the “new safety guy”, I held on and rode the ladder to the ground. Of course I didn’t get hurt!
List a favorite line from one of your favorite movies:
“You can do it!” – Waterboy
If you could pick a superpower, what would it be and why
I would love to be able to fly! I have had several dreams with me flying that seemed very calming. I also like traveling but airfare is staggering!
What did you want to be growing up
Boring! I wanted to be an accountant!