February 2025

Tracey Walden, President, C.M. Noble, Corporation

Years as an ASSP member: 3 Years
Years in the safety industry: 12 Years

Key responsibilities of your job

Along with other executive duties, establish a pro-safety culture by not only implementing safety practices but supporting the enforcement of safety policies and developing a mindset throughout the organization that safety does directly impact the bottom line.

What do you like most about being a member of the ASSP Greater Tidewater Chapter

The exposure to different industries and getting to understand the safety challenges as well as benefits within those industries. 

What or Who inspires you

The team I work with each day drives me to care and not to relax as though “this” day doesn’t matter. The people are too important and their needs are bigger than the minor frustrations in the day that may irritate me.

What tips or advice would you give someone just starting out in the safety field

No one knows it all, and everyone is still learning. Keep the end objective before your mind. Tomorrow you’ll know a little more than you know today.

Tell us about a professional success story that you are proud of

Because I believe that the little things together make the big things great, I’ll just state a small accomplishment.  To bring operation minded management into a room and although they are incentivized by production and fast completion of a project, yet I was able to convince even the inconvincible that safe project will close faster than an unsafe project.

What is something surprising that not many people know about you

I was once a licensed Cosmetologist.

How would your best friend describe you in three words

Analytical but compassionate

What do you enjoy doing outside of work

Reading the Bible, dating my wife and going out to eat.

What is your most embarrassing moment of your life (so far)

My 1st public speech was at my brother’s wedding in Toronto in front of 350 people and I was made aware that I had to speak 20 minutes before I was called to speak.

List a favorite line from one of your favorite movies:

“there’s no crying in baseball”

If you could pick a superpower, what would it be and why

Read minds – I would have to talk less

What did you want to be growing up
