Our Members

Welcome All

Whether you are a new member or have been with us, we are happy you’ve joined us. Our chapter is a community aimed at advancing the environmental health and safety profession but each other and our own career endeavors as well. Our society is a membership based community so we rely on you to keep our doors open.  It’s because of you and your involvement with our society that we can provide EHS professionals from around the Greater Tidewater area with the knowledge, skills, resources and contacts to be the best professionals they can be.

Welcome New Members

We also want to make special acknowledgement to members that have joined us within the past quarter. Please join us in welcoming our new members.

Welcome to our New Members :

  • Brian Best
  • Britta Whitehead
  • Eric Morentin- Sunbelt
  • Justin Henry- USCG
  • Keith Charters- USCG
  • Randahl Benson- USCG
  • Ray Carter
  • Stephen Abarracin- NAVSAFENVTRACEN
  • Stephanie Laughinghouse- Hampton Roads Sanitation District
  • William Bond- QED

Member Service Anniversaries