The Greater Tidewater Chapter is a not-for-profit organization chartered February 26th, 1961 for the purpose of carrying out the objectives of the Society in its geographical area. We are a chapter with over 200 members and operate in support of you, the member, and our Society as a whole. Please feel free to attend a local chapter meeting as a member or a guest and get to know your fellow EH&S professionals. The networking and professional education that’s available to you locally is greater than you might imagine.
Please meet your 2024-2025 executive committee for the Greater Tidewater Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals. The executive committee is comprised of elected and chair positions that are appointed by the elected officers within the chapter.
If you have interest in supporting your chapter in any way please reach out to an executive committee member to learn more. You can also review the roles and responsibilities of each executive committee position by clicking here.
Chapter Officers
Use the Contact Us page to email the chapter leadership team.
Stephanie Neary
Austin Temple, CHST
Ivan Shelton, ASP, CPSI
Communications Chair
Phil Campbell, M.S. CSP
Public Relations & Membership Chair
Joe Henricks, SPC, CSM, CHST
Social Media Chair & Webmaster
Nick Miller
Student Affairs Liaison
Cheryl Riordan, CSP
Government Affairs
Mike Suminski, GSP, CHST
Advisory Board, Nominations and Elections Chair, Past President
Alexandria LePock, CSP