We love to highlight photos from our meetings, events and other happenings. To find our latest photos and events, please connect with us on LinkedIn. Some of our previous events are posted below, with all photos available in the Archive folder on our Google Drive here. You should be able to gain access even without a Google account. For access issues or other technical difficulties, please email president@tidewater.assp.org
July 2023 Meeting- Tour at Sumitomo in Chesapeake
After a long awaited hiatus, tours are back for ASSP Greater Tidewater Chapter! For July we decided to host an evening tour at Sumitomo. Meghan McCall was the perfect tour guide as we learned about their different processes and materials they manufacture.
2023 Student Mixer with AIHA, SNEHA and ODU
ASSP joined in on the fun with AIHA (American Industrial Hygenie Association) and SNEHA (Student National Environmental Health Association) at Hank’s Filling Station this spring to celebrate our local ODU Students and talk about the safety and health profession.